Impact of Liberal District Attorneys on American Cities

Judge Judy criticizes liberal district attorneys for ruining American cities and suggests they would be better employed filling ice-cream cones. She believes society has deteriorated due to excusing bad behavior and rewards for criminals.

Key Points

  • Judge Judy criticizes lenient approaches to criminal behavior.
  • She argues that excuses should not be conflated with reasons for criminal actions.
  • Highlights the rise in crime rates in cities like New York, Portland, San Francisco, and DC.
  • Calls for a reevaluation of criminal justice policies to prioritize community safety.


  • Highlighting the impact of liberal district attorneys on city safety.
  • Raising awareness about rising crime rates in major cities.


  • Suggesting that liberal district attorneys are responsible for the decline of cities without considering broader societal issues.
  • Promoting a 'tough on crime' stance without addressing root causes of criminal behavior.