Emmanuel Macron's State Visit to Germany to Defend Democracy

SOURCE www.yahoo.com
French President Emmanuel Macron visits Germany to strengthen alliance and defend democracy against rising nationalism ahead of European Parliament elections. Macron warns of the growing fascination for authoritarianism and urges Europeans to vote for parties that defend Europe. He also emphasizes the historic importance of the Franco-German relationship.

Key Points

  • Warning about the mortal threats to Europe and the potential consequences of nationalist parties gaining power
  • Advocating for a democratic alliance in Europe
  • Emphasizing the need to vote for parties that support European values


  • Strengthening alliance between France and Germany
  • Raising awareness about the threat of nationalism and authoritarianism
  • Emphasizing the importance of defending democracy in Europe


  • Facing potential embarrassment in European Parliament elections
  • Challenges from far-right parties in both France and Germany