Rage Ritual Retreats for Women

SOURCE www.foxnews.com
Women are participating in rage ritual retreats led by individuals like cybersecurity engineer Mia Banducci, where they scream and hit sticks on the ground to process past wrongdoings. The retreats aim to provide a safe space for women to express anger and emotions freely.

Key Points

  • Participants scream and hit sticks on the ground to release anger
  • Hosts like Mia Banducci aim to create a supportive environment for emotional expression
  • Rooted in the concept of scream therapy, pioneered by Dr. Arthur Janov


  • Provides a safe space for women to express anger and emotions
  • Helps participants process past wrongdoings and release pent-up emotions


  • High cost of participation, ranging from $6,500 to $8,000
  • May not be effective for everyone