Arrest of Two Jordanians at Marine Corps Base Quantico

Two Jordanians arrested at Quantico were in the U.S. illegally, one crossed from Mexico while the other overstayed a student visa. A former federal firearms instructor warns that their arrest may have been a 'dry run' for a potential terror attack. Authorities have released no evidence of a terror-related motive, but concerns have been raised about the suspicious circumstances.

Key Points

  • Former firearms instructor warns that the arrests may have been a 'dry run' for a terror attack
  • No weapons were found on the suspects, but concerns remain about the potential threat
  • Authorities have not publicly identified the suspects
  • One suspect entered the U.S. illegally from Mexico while the other overstayed a student visa


  • Swift response by military police prevented any harm
  • No evidence of a terror-related motive has been released


  • Concerns raised about the suspicious circumstances of the arrests
  • One suspect crossed into the U.S. illegally, raising border security concerns