Biden Campaign Press Conference Outside Trump's Trial

The Biden campaign staged a press conference outside the Manhattan courtroom where closing arguments were set to begin in Trump's business records trial. Actor Robert DeNiro and two former Capitol police officers spoke, with De Niro claiming Trump would never leave office if re-elected and referring to his supporters as 'clowns' and 'gangsters.' The move was seen as desperate and political.

Key Points

  • De Niro expressed fear of Trump becoming a dictator for life
  • The press conference was seen as a response to Trump's high-profile platform during the trial
  • Biden's campaign previously stayed quiet on the trial but decided to hold a press conference


  • Highlighting concerns about Trump's potential re-election and behavior as president
  • Raising awareness about the ongoing trial and its implications for democracy


  • Using harsh rhetoric against Trump and his supporters
  • Potentially politicizing a legal proceeding