Extreme Weather Events in 2023 and 2024

SOURCE www.npr.org
Hurricane Lee crosses the Atlantic in 2023, National Hurricane Center predicts 8 hurricanes, 2023 experienced extreme weather events, 2024 expected to be hotter, NPR reports on active Atlantic Hurricane season and federal wildland firefighter shortage.

Key Points

  • Hurricane Lee crossing the Atlantic in 2023
  • Prediction of 8 hurricanes in the Atlantic in 2023
  • Extreme weather events in 2023 including Canadian wildfires, ocean warming, and high temperatures in Phoenix
  • Forecast for hotter-than-normal summer in 2024 and potential for more climate-driven disasters
  • NPR reports on active Atlantic Hurricane season and federal wildland firefighter shortage


  • Increased awareness about climate change and its effects on extreme weather events.
  • Attention drawn to the need for better disaster preparedness and firefighting resources.


  • Potential for more destructive hurricanes and wildfires due to climate change.
  • Challenges in managing and mitigating the impact of extreme weather events.