Immigrant Sanctuary Cities

Denver, Colorado, led by Democrats, is offering a guide on how to turn cities into immigrant sanctuaries. Despite contradicting actions by Mayor Mike Johnston, the guide provides tips on redirecting city services to immigrants, offering free services such as transportation, housing, food, and more. It even suggests using fraudulent social security numbers if needed.

Key Points

  • Guide titled 'Newcomers Playbook' offers recommendations and strategies for sanctuary cities
  • Denver Mayor claims to be a national leader in welcoming newcomers despite past actions
  • Guide advises on redirecting city services to immigrants and providing free services like housing and medical care


  • Provides a comprehensive guide for cities interested in becoming immigrant sanctuaries
  • Offers tips and strategies for successfully integrating newcomers into the city


  • Contradictory actions by the mayor cast doubt on the sincerity of Denver's 'welcoming' approach
  • Suggests using fraudulent social security numbers for immigrants in certain situations