Judge Judy Sheindlin on America's Crime Rate and Left-Wing Policies

SOURCE www.breitbart.com
Judge Judy Sheindlin criticizes America's rising crime rate and blames left-wing policies and liberal prosecutors for the problem. She emphasizes the need to stop making excuses for bad behavior and calls for stricter consequences for criminals.

Key Points

  • Left-wing policies and liberal prosecutors are blamed for contributing to the rising crime rate
  • Judge Judy advocates for a tougher stance on criminal behavior and accountability
  • She highlights the need to prioritize public safety over leniency towards criminals


  • Emphasizes the importance of holding individuals accountable for their actions
  • Calls for stricter consequences for criminals
  • Raises awareness about the impact of lenient prosecution on rising crime rates


  • Criticism of liberal prosecutors and left-wing policies may be seen as politically biased