Violence in Mexico: Gang Leader Kills Jesuit Priests

A gang leader known as “El Chueco” killed two Jesuit priests in a church in Mexico. The government's approach to dealing with cartels and violence has been criticized, leading to demands for peace from Catholic leaders. The killings have caused fear and displacement in the community, with locals seeking refuge and assistance from priests. Despite the violence, the priests remain beloved figures who offer comfort and support to the Indigenous communities in the region.

Key Points

  • Gang leader “El Chueco” killed two Jesuit priests in a church
  • Criticism of the government's 'hugs, not bullets' policy towards cartels
  • Fear, displacement, and demand for peace in the community
  • Priests like Father Javier Campos are beloved figures offering support to Indigenous communities


  • Highlighting the impact of organized crime and violence on local communities
  • Shedding light on the government's controversial approach to dealing with cartels


  • Tragic loss of life and fear among the community
  • Displacement and violence affecting innocent civilians