Assisted Suicide Debate in New York

Fox News medical contributor Dr. Marc Siegel calls on physicians to take a very strong stance against assisted suicides. New York lawmakers are rallying behind legislation called Medical Aid in Dying, which would give terminally ill people the option to choose the time of their death.

Key Points

  • Fox News medical contributor advocates against assisted suicides
  • Legislation in New York called Medical Aid in Dying aims to provide choice to terminally ill individuals
  • Debate includes concerns about access to care for people with disabilities and potential for law expansion
  • Ten states in the U.S. currently allow assisted suicide


  • Provides terminally ill people the option to choose the time of their death
  • Supported by polls showing 2-1 margin support in New York
  • Strong protections in the New York bill to prevent misuse


  • Concerns raised by advocacy director about difficulties faced by people with disabilities in accessing care
  • Potential for expansion of laws beyond original intentions
  • Recent case in Canada where a physically healthy person was granted assisted suicide due to mental illness