Challenges Faced by Drag Performers and the Formation of Qommittee

Qommittee, a group of drag performers, is formed to protect and promote the art form amidst threats, harassment, and violence. Conservative activists criticize drag performers for 'sexualization' of children, but there is no evidence to support their claims. The group aims to connect performers with resources and support, and to foster dialogue with law enforcement agencies.

Key Points

  • Qommittee formed by drag performers to address threats, harassment, and violence in the community.
  • No evidence supports claims of harm to children by drag performers.
  • Drag industry fosters entrepreneurship and job creation.


  • Qommittee aims to protect and promote the art of drag and provide support to performers facing threats and violence.
  • Drag is not just an art form but also an industry that fosters entrepreneurship and creates jobs.


  • Conservative activists criticize drag performers for 'sexualization' of children, despite lack of evidence to support their claims.