Challenges in the Nonfiction TV Industry

Development and production in the nonfiction TV industry have slowed down, leaving many workers struggling to find jobs. A storytelling event called 'Hollywood Horror Happy Hour' was organized to raise money for needy peers. Budgets are being slashed, salaries are decreasing, and job opportunities are limited. The industry is facing a downturn similar to the scripted TV space, with fewer buyers for unscripted content. However, fresh sports-related ideas and successful franchises are still being greenlit. Some production companies are diversifying revenue streams to navigate the challenging market.

Key Points

  • Slowdown in development and production
  • Budget cuts affecting salaries and available jobs
  • Downturn in the industry mirroring scripted TV space
  • Success of certain franchises and sports-related content
  • Diversification of revenue streams by some production companies


  • Creative solutions and diversification of revenue streams by some production companies


  • Slow development and production in the nonfiction TV industry
  • Budget cuts and decreased salaries for workers
  • Limited job opportunities and increased competition