Denver Police Department's Drone Program

Denver Police Department launches new drone program to assist officers in responding to 911 calls, despite initial opposition from former chief. Arapahoe County Sheriff’s Office has been using drones since 2017 for various tasks. Concerns raised about potential impact on civil liberties and communities of color.

Key Points

  • Denver Police Department received a $100,000 grant to start the drone program
  • Arapahoe County Sheriff’s Office has been using drones since 2017 for various tasks
  • Drones can be used for critical needs and emergencies
  • Concerns about the impact of drones on civil liberties and over-policing


  • Drones can assist in responding to 911 calls efficiently and assess situations before officers arrive
  • Cost-effective alternative to using officers in certain situations
  • Can provide live video footage to officers, potentially saving resources


  • Concerns raised about potential impact on civil liberties and over-policing of communities of color
  • Drones could change the way people speak, protest, and behave if constantly surveilled
  • Issues around public perception and acceptance of drones in law enforcement