ESG Governance and Woke Ideology in American Businesses

The 'G' in ESG, which stands for Environmental, Social, and Governance, is being used to promote far-left woke ideology in American businesses, leading to questionable decision-making. Daniel Cameron, CEO of the 1792 Exchange, explains how this governance component is indoctrinating employees and impacting hiring and compensation practices. The 1792 Exchange aims to counter this trend by promoting neutral corporate practices through information and databases.

Key Points

  • Governance component of ESG is being used to promote woke ideology in businesses
  • Merit-based hiring and compensation should be prioritized over diversity quotas
  • Efforts to move corporations back to neutral through information and databases like the 1792 Exchange


  • Raises awareness about the influence of far-left ideology in corporate governance
  • Encourages merit-based hiring and compensation practices


  • Potential bias and limitations on employees' freedom of thought and expression
  • Shift from profit optimization to enforcing woke policies