Marco Rubio's Potential as Republican Vice Presidential Nominee

Senator Marco Rubio aims to become the next Republican vice-presidential nominee by taking a low-key approach to avoid Mr. Trump's bristling. Despite past rivalry and insults, Mr. Rubio is now considered a leading contender due to his potential appeal to Hispanic voters and ability to reassure donors and moderate voters.

Key Points

  • Mr. Rubio aims to become the Republican vice-presidential nominee with a low-key approach.
  • He has transformed from bitter rival to occasional policy adviser to Mr. Trump.
  • Mr. Rubio's potential appeal to Hispanic voters and reassurance to donors and moderate voters make him a leading contender.


  • Mr. Rubio could help Mr. Trump appeal to Hispanic voters.
  • He has a strong relationship with a key Trump campaign adviser.
  • His experience and policy positions could reassure traditional Republican voters.


  • Past rivalry and insults from Mr. Trump may still pose a risk.
  • Mr. Rubio's quiet campaign strategy may not work to his advantage.
  • There are potential hurdles, like the Constitutional bar on two residents from the same state sharing a presidential ticket.