Pulsatile Tinnitus: What Causes Hearing Your Heartbeat in Your Ears

SOURCE www.foxnews.com
An article discussing the sensation of hearing your heartbeat in your ears, also known as pulsatile tinnitus. It explores the causes, which can range from ear issues to elevated blood pressure, and the importance of ruling out any potential cardiovascular issues. It emphasizes the need for a thorough physical exam to gauge overall cardiovascular health.

Key Points

  • Eustachian tube dysfunction is a common cause of hearing one's heartbeat in the ears
  • Other causes include earwax buildup, fluid in the ear, and elevated blood pressure
  • Medications and rare conditions like aneurysms can also lead to pulsatile tinnitus
  • A thorough physical exam is crucial to rule out cardiovascular issues


  • Provides information on a common but sometimes startling sensation
  • Includes insights from medical professionals to explain potential causes


  • Repetitive mentions of the same information throughout the article