Closure of London's Evening Standard Daily Print Edition

London's Evening Standard newspaper, facing unsustainable losses, plans to shut down its daily print edition and shift to a weekly publication due to financial challenges and changing consumer habits. The move will result in job losses and a change in focus to in-depth analysis and lifestyle content. The newspaper, which has a long history and political connections, has struggled to maintain profitability in the digital age.

Key Points

  • Financial losses of £84.5m in the past six years have made the current operations unsustainable.
  • Introduction of wifi on the London Underground and changes in consumer habits have negatively impacted circulation.
  • Transition to online and weekly print publication aims to increase profitability and secure long-term viability.


  • Transitioning to a weekly publication may allow for more in-depth analysis of important issues.
  • Focus on lifestyle content and the best of London may attract a new audience.
  • Efforts to return to profitability could secure the long-term future of the newspaper.


  • Job losses expected as the newspaper shifts its format and reduces its print frequency.
  • Closure of the daily print edition means Londoners will no longer have a general-interest daily newspaper.
  • Financial challenges and declining readership have led to the decision to cease daily print operations.