Devastating Landslide in Papua New Guinea

Papua New Guinea is facing a devastating landslide with hundreds to thousands feared dead, heavy equipment and aid are slow to arrive due to difficult terrain, and officials are struggling to determine the exact death toll.

Key Points

  • Heavy landslide in Papua New Guinea has buried a village under almost two stories of debris and mud.
  • Death toll estimates range from hundreds to thousands, with officials struggling to determine the exact number.
  • Slow arrival of aid due to difficult terrain and damaged infrastructure.
  • Residents face potential evacuation as the landslide poses further risks.
  • Risk of disease outbreaks due to contaminated water sources.


  • Rescue teams and aid workers are on site to provide assistance to the affected residents.
  • Awareness of the situation can lead to international support and relief efforts for Papua New Guinea.


  • Uncertainty regarding the exact number of casualties due to lack of current census data.
  • The risk of disease outbreaks due to contaminated water sources and lack of alternative water supply.