Kansai International Airport Baggage Operations

SOURCE www.npr.org
Kansai International Airport in Japan has maintained a perfect baggage streak since opening in 1994, never losing a piece of luggage. The airport's meticulous system and teamwork have contributed to this achievement.

Key Points

  • Kansai International Airport has maintained a perfect baggage streak since opening in 1994.
  • The airport's baggage operations involve responsibility, teamwork, and meticulous checks to ensure luggage doesn't go missing.
  • Kansai Airport is expecting a significant increase in travelers in the upcoming years, but remains confident in its ability to uphold its clean record.


  • Kansai International Airport has never lost a piece of luggage since opening in 1994.
  • The airport has won multiple awards for its exceptional baggage delivery service.
  • Baggage operations at Kansai Airport involve multiple layers of checks and a precise system for arranging bags.
  • The airport's commitment to passenger satisfaction and meticulous attention to detail are commendable.