Sanctions on Uganda's Parliamentary Speaker and Officials for Corruption and Human Rights Abuses

The United States imposed sanctions on Uganda's parliamentary speaker, her husband, and other officials over corruption and human rights abuses. The speaker, Anita Among, and others were sanctioned for involvement in corruption and serious abuses. Among's husband, Moses Magogo, who is the president of the Ugandan soccer federation, was also sanctioned. The sanctions bar them from entering the U.S.

Key Points

  • Sanctions imposed by the United States on Ugandan officials
  • Speaker Anita Among sanctioned for corruption tied to her leadership
  • Lt. Gen. Peter Elwelu sanctioned for extrajudicial killings
  • Among's husband, Moses Magogo, also sanctioned
  • Ugandans stunned by revelations of Among's spending


  • Crackdown on corruption and human rights abuses in Uganda


  • Potential crackdown on activists and opposition figures