The Persistence of Fax Machines in Germany

Despite the global trend towards digital communication, fax machines remain popular in Germany due to legal status and security concerns. Efforts are being made to transition to email for official communication in the Bundestag, with some resistance due to the traditional reliance on paper documentation.

Key Points

  • Germany's public sector has a strong preference for faxing over email
  • Efforts to transition away from fax machines face challenges due to legal status and security concerns
  • Security and data protection are key factors in the continued use of fax machines in Germany


  • Fax machines are considered more secure than email by some users
  • Security concerns and legal status make fax machines popular in Germany
  • Analog technology like fax machines can still have practical uses in certain situations


  • Fax machines contribute to excessive bureaucracy
  • Resistance to change and digitization in some sectors of German society
  • Fax machines are seen as outdated in the context of modern technology