South Africa's ANC Loses Majority in General Election

The African National Congress (ANC) in South Africa has lost its outright majority for the first time in a devastating blow for the party once led by Nelson Mandela. The ANC won 40% of the vote, falling from 57% in 2019. This historic result marks a significant change in South African politics as the ANC will now have to form a coalition government with one or more opposition parties to remain in power.

Key Points

  • ANC loses outright majority for the first time since post-apartheid elections 30 years ago
  • ANC's support has been declining in every election since 2004
  • Jacob Zuma's new party, the MK, becomes the third-largest party in South Africa
  • ANC now needs to form a coalition government to stay in power


  • Transition to a coalition government can bring more accountability and diverse representation in South African politics.


  • ANC's diminishing support is a reflection of growing frustrations with inequality, unemployment, crime, and corruption in the country.