Former President Trump's Campaign Fundraising Surge After Conviction

Former President Trump's campaign raised nearly $53 million in 24 hours after his conviction by a New York jury. Jurors found him guilty on all 34 counts related to payments to Stormy Daniels during the 2016 election. The campaign highlighted a surge in donations, with over $52.8 million raised through online platforms, surpassing Biden's April fundraising total. The Republican Party's donation website crashed due to high traffic after the guilty verdict.

Key Points

  • Trump campaign raised nearly $53 million in 24 hours post-conviction
  • Donations exceeded Biden's April fundraising total
  • Republican Party's donation website crashed due to high traffic after guilty verdict


  • Significant surge in campaign donations for Trump
  • Strong support shown through fundraising


  • Controversy surrounding the conviction and charges
  • Political polarization and division highlighted