Legal Battle Over Butter Chicken Origin

A legal battle is ongoing between two Indian restaurants over the origin of butter chicken, a globally loved curry dish. Descendants of two men named Kundan claim their grandfather was the rightful inventor. The dispute has sparked national interest and led to booming business for one of the restaurants.

Key Points

  • Descendants of two men named Kundan are in a legal battle over the origin of butter chicken
  • The legal tussle has become a national conversation in India
  • The dispute has resulted in increased business for Daryaganj restaurant


  • Highlighting the culinary history of Delhi shaped by Mughal and British influence
  • Generating publicity and increased business for Daryaganj restaurant
  • Showcasing the popularity and cultural significance of butter chicken globally


  • Legal disputes can be time-consuming and costly for both parties involved
  • The dispute might lead to negative publicity for both restaurants