American donor's $260 million donation to Bar-Ilan University in Israel

A wealthy American donor and Columbia University graduate has donated $260 million to Bar-Ilan University in Israel. Pro-Palestinian protests continue on U.S. campuses. The donor chose Bar-Ilan for its scientific research capabilities.

Key Points

  • Donor is a Columbia University graduate and World War II veteran.
  • Bar-Ilan University will use the donation for deep tech research.
  • Columbia University faced protests demanding divestment from Israel.
  • Protests at Columbia and Los Angeles City Hall have drawn attention to the Palestinian cause.


  • The donation will help advance research in energy, environment, cryptography, and other cutting-edge fields at Bar-Ilan University.
  • The donor's commitment to Israel's economic and social stability is commendable.


  • Pro-Palestinian protests on U.S. campuses continue to create tension and division.