Far-right Surge in EU Elections

SOURCE www.politico.eu
Far-right parties in the EU are expected to make major gains in the upcoming European Parliament elections, potentially leading to shifts in political dynamics and priorities within the EU.

Key Points

  • Surge of far-right parties in EU elections could signal a shift towards conservative nationalism
  • Potential impact on EU policies regarding migration, decarbonization, and relations with Ukraine
  • Mainstream pro-EU parties expected to maintain a majority in the European Parliament
  • Likely focus on economic competitiveness and tough border controls in the coming years


  • Potential for increased representation and diversity of political ideologies in the European Parliament
  • Likely reevaluation of EU policies and priorities to address the rise of far-right movements


  • Possibility of increased nationalism and anti-immigration sentiment impacting EU decision-making
  • Concerns over the normalization of far-right political forces in Europe