European Parliament elections and immigration policy

The European Parliament elections are seen as a battle between open borders advocated by Brussels elites and those who want to reclaim national sovereignty. National Rally MEP Patricia Chagnon criticizes EU directives on immigration, arguing for national control. She highlights negative impacts of mass migration on French society and culture. The rise of populist parties like National Rally in France reflects a growing discontent with current immigration policies in the EU.

Key Points

  • National sovereignty vs. centralized EU control over immigration
  • Negative impact of mass migration on French society and culture
  • Rise of populist movements like National Rally in response to immigration policies


  • Highlighting the importance of national sovereignty in making decisions on immigration
  • Raising awareness about the negative consequences of mass migration on society and culture


  • Criticism of EU technocrats' centralized management and perceived infringement on national sovereignty
  • Concerns about the impact of mass migration on security, integration, and societal norms