Former President Donald Trump as a 'crypto president'

Former President Donald Trump declares himself as a 'crypto president' at a Silicon Valley fundraiser, contrasting with the Biden administration's anti-innovation stance. Trump vows to support cryptocurrencies and Bitcoin, promising to halt the Biden-Gensler crusade against crypto if re-elected.

Key Points

  • Trump vows to stop Biden-Gensler crusade against crypto if re-elected
  • Silicon Valley and cryptocurrency industry warming up to Trump
  • House Majority Whip Tom Emmer criticizes anti-crypto advocates as 'dinosaurs'


  • Trump pledges support for cryptocurrencies and Bitcoin
  • Attracts support from Silicon Valley and cryptocurrency industry leaders
  • First U.S. president to accept Bitcoin Lightning Network donations


  • Critics of the financial technology industry remain
  • Contrast with Biden administration's anti-crypto policies