Milky Way Galaxy Collision Study

A new study suggests the Milky Way galaxy may have collided with another galaxy much later than previously believed, challenging long-held theories. Researchers found evidence of a collision that occurred only one to two billion years ago, rather than the previously thought eight to 11 billion years ago.

Key Points

  • Study suggests Milky Way collided with another galaxy 1-2 billion years ago
  • Findings challenge previous belief that collision happened 8-11 billion years ago
  • Observations from Gaia space observatory support the new timeline


  • Challenges long-held theories about the history of the Milky Way galaxy
  • Provides new insights into galaxy formation and evolution
  • Uses cutting-edge techniques and simulations to support findings


  • Relies on a single cosmological simulation, which may not capture all complexities
  • Limited to observations within a specific range, which may not show the full picture
  • Up-sampling process used in data analysis could introduce biases