North Carolina's School Health Standards

North Carolina's new school health standards are being criticized by conservative groups for not promoting abstinence until marriage strongly enough, despite including references to abstinence in the curriculum.

Key Points

  • The new health standards in North Carolina include references to abstinence in the curriculum.
  • Conservative groups criticize the standards for not promoting abstinence until marriage adequately.
  • State law requires reproductive health classes to teach abstinence as the expected standard for school-age children.


  • New health standards for K-12 public schools include references to teaching about the benefits of abstinence.
  • State Superintendent Catherine Truitt defends the legality and compliance of the standards.
  • The standards aim to educate students on the benefits of abstinence and the risks of sexual activity.


  • Conservative groups like the N.C. Values Coalition and the John Locke Foundation feel the standards do not emphasize abstinence strongly enough.
  • Critics worry that discussing abstinence alongside contraceptive use could lead to increased sexual activity among students.
  • Some board members, including Olivia Oxendine, feel that the standards do not meet legislative requirements regarding abstinence education.