Rise of National Rally in French Politics

SOURCE www.theguardian.com
The far-right National Rally led by Marine Le Pen is gaining support among higher-earning professionals and older voters who were previously hesitant due to the party's founder. The party is polling at a historic high in the European elections, causing concern among mainstream politicians. Immigration, crime, and economic concerns are driving support for the National Rally. There is a shift in voter demographics with more educated professionals and older individuals turning to the far right.

Key Points

  • National Rally polling at historic high of about 33% in European elections
  • Shift in voter demographics with more educated professionals and older individuals supporting the far right
  • Concerns about the influence and impact of the National Rally on future elections


  • Gaining support among previously hesitant higher-earning professionals and older voters
  • Addressing immigration, crime, and economic concerns of the electorate
  • Growing influence and potential impact on upcoming elections


  • Controversial history and roots of the National Rally
  • Impact on social cohesion and relations within France
  • Concerns about the rise of far-right ideologies in mainstream politics