Wild Hog Invasion in Florida

SOURCE www.tampabay.com
Wild hogs are causing havoc in a Florida neighborhood and across the country, posing threats to agriculture, the environment, and potentially the pork industry. Efforts to manage the feral hog population range from hunting to more controversial methods.

Key Points

  • Wild hogs, an invasive species, are causing damage in Florida neighborhoods and beyond.
  • Efforts to control the feral hog population include hunting, trapping, and even using drones.
  • The spread of African Swine Fever poses a serious threat to the U.S. pork industry.
  • Balancing the management of wild hogs with protecting ecosystems is a complex challenge.


  • Efforts to manage the feral hog population can protect agriculture and native species.
  • Some people find wild hog cuisine desirable.


  • Wild hogs pose threats to agriculture, ecosystems, and potentially the U.S. pork industry.
  • Indiscriminate hunting could upset the natural balance in certain ecosystems.