Chronic Absenteeism in Schools

Chronic absenteeism is a growing issue in schools across the country, with historical drops in reading and math scores. While efforts are being made to address the problem, parents seem less concerned and unaware of the impact of missing school. The issue has worsened during the pandemic, leading to a significant increase in chronically absent students.

Key Points

  • Chronic absenteeism has increased significantly, with over 14.6 million students chronically absent since 2020.
  • Parents often do not realize the seriousness of missing just a few days of school a month.
  • Factors like norm erosion during the pandemic have contributed to the rise in chronic absenteeism.
  • Issues like bad air quality, housing insecurity, and transportation problems also contribute to students missing school.


  • Efforts being made by school districts to address chronic absenteeism through campaigns, text messages, and home visits.


  • Lack of awareness and concern among parents about the impact of chronic absenteeism on their children's education.