Quadruple Murder by Nicholas Tartaglione

SOURCE www.foxnews.com
Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis discusses signing a new law authorizing the release of Jeffrey Epstein grand jury files effective on July 1 on 'Hannity.' Nicholas Tartaglione, the man accused of assaulting sex-trafficking suspect Jeffrey Epstein in a federal jail, has been sentenced to four consecutive terms of life in prison for a brutal 2016 quadruple murder. Tartaglione murdered Martin Luna over money and executed three others. He tried to cover up the crimes by burying the victims in a shallow grave on his property.

Key Points

  • Nicholas Tartaglione sentenced to four consecutive terms of life in prison for quadruple murder.
  • Victim Martin Luna murdered over drug money dispute.
  • Three bystanders also brutally executed by Tartaglione.
  • Tartaglione tried to cover up the crimes by burying the victims on his property.


  • Justice served with the sentencing of Nicholas Tartaglione for the quadruple murder.
  • Closure for the families of the victims.


  • Tragic loss of life in a brutal and senseless manner.
  • Violent and heinous acts committed by Nicholas Tartaglione.