Rescue of 29 Women from Sex Trafficking in Playa Del Carmen

Mexican authorities rescued 29 women being sex-trafficked at a bar near Cancun, with 19 foreigners and 10 Mexicans involved. The women were forced into sexual labor under threats and promised high-paying jobs. Arrests were made, and the operation was part of ongoing efforts against sex trafficking in the region.

Key Points

  • 29 women rescued from a strip club in Playa Del Carmen, forced into sex work.
  • Foreigners and Mexican nationals among the victims, lured with promises of high-paying jobs.
  • Ongoing efforts by authorities against sex trafficking in the region, with previous rescues reported.


  • Successful rescue operation saved 29 women from sex trafficking.
  • Arrest made in connection with the trafficking operation.


  • Exploitation of women for sex work under threats and false promises.
  • Presence of drug cartels and international mafias involved in the region.