Hollywood Writers Recruited by Biden Super PAC to Woo Young Voters

SOURCE www.breitbart.com
Hollywood writers recruited by a Biden super PAC to craft social media ads targeting millennial and gen Z voters who have grown cold on Biden. Ads expected to drop in early July, aiming to spend $20-25 million. Young voters turning away due to issues like Israel's war and inflation. PAC trying to convince them Biden is their man.

Key Points

  • Recruitment of Hollywood writers by Biden super PAC
  • Focus on crafting social media ads for millennial and gen Z voters
  • Challenges in persuading young voters supporting Biden
  • Potential impact on Biden's popularity among younger demographics


  • Utilizing experienced Hollywood writers for political messaging
  • Targeting younger demographics through social media ads


  • Potential backlash from those who see it as manipulation
  • Criticism of using entertainment industry for political gain