Impact of Ultra-Processed Vegan Foods on Heart Health

New research suggests that consuming ultra-processed vegan food can increase the risk of heart disease-related deaths, despite the overall benefits of a plant-based diet. The study found that replacing plant-based ultra-processed foods with whole foods reduced deaths from heart disease by 15%.

Key Points

  • For every 10% increase in plant-based foods, the risk of death from heart disease fell by 20%.
  • Plant-based ultra-processed foods increase the risk of cardiovascular disease.


  • Plant-based eating plan promotes overall heart health when based on fresh plant-based foods like fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and legumes.
  • Replacing plant-based ultra-processed foods with whole foods decreased deaths from heart disease by 15%.


  • Consuming ultra-processed vegan food linked to a 12% rise in heart disease-related deaths.
  • Deceptive marketing of plant-based ultra-processed foods as healthy.