Legal Battle Over Collective Bargaining Rights for Foreign Farm Workers

Kansas Attorney General Kris Kobach is leading 17 states in suing President Joe Biden's Department of Labor over a federal rule that grants collective bargaining rights to foreign farm workers but not American farm workers. The lawsuit argues that the administration does not have the authority to rewrite portions of the National Labor Relations Act.

Key Points

  • 17 states, led by Kansas Attorney General Kris Kobach, are involved in the lawsuit
  • The lawsuit argues that only Congress can rewrite the National Labor Relations Act
  • The Final Rule grants collective bargaining rights to foreign H-2A visa workers but not American farm workers


  • Highlighting the disparity in collective bargaining rights between foreign and American farm workers
  • Challenging the authority of the administration to change regulations related to the National Labor Relations Act


  • Could potentially impact the availability of foreign labor in the agricultural sector
  • May lead to increased labor costs for American farmers