President Macron's snap parliamentary election in France

President Macron has called a snap parliamentary election in France after a humiliating defeat by the far right. The move is seen as a risky gamble to see if the country will vote differently from the recent European Parliament elections.

Key Points

  • President Macron's decision to call for an election after a defeat by the far right is seen as a risky gamble
  • The move aims to test if the recent vote for the far right is a true reflection of public sentiment
  • If the extreme right gains significant power in the election, Macron may have to work with them in government


  • President Macron is taking a bold and proactive approach by calling for a snap parliamentary election to address the recent defeat by the far right.
  • This move may help Macron gauge the true sentiments of the French population and potentially shift the political landscape.


  • The decision to call for a snap election comes with significant risks, especially with the possibility of the extreme right gaining more power.
  • There is a chance that Macron's gamble could backfire and lead to a shift towards nationalist, anti-immigrant policies.