New Zealand's decision to scrap the 'burp and fart tax' on livestock emissions

New Zealand is scrapping a scheme to price gas emissions from livestock, known as the 'burp and fart tax,' initiated by the previous left-wing government. The ruling conservative coalition is introducing new legislation to remove the agriculture sector from the emissions pricing plan due to farmer pressure.

Key Points

  • Ruling coalition introduces legislation to remove agriculture sector from emissions pricing plan
  • Agriculture sector was initially included in the plan to tackle climate change
  • Farmers welcome the decision, while environmental groups criticize the government's move
  • New Zealand's economy is heavily dependent on agriculture


  • Responding to farmer pressure
  • Ensuring the profitability of Kiwi farms
  • Maintaining agricultural production and jobs in New Zealand


  • Criticism from environmental groups
  • Reversal of a five-year ban on new oil and gas exploration