Reaction to Secret Recordings of Supreme Court Justices Alito and Roberts

The View co-hosts react to secret recordings of Supreme Court Justices Alito and Roberts, describing it as a 'hit job.' They express discomfort with the recordings but acknowledge the need to expose perceived bias. Some co-hosts question the ethics of obtaining the recordings. Liberal filmmaker recorded the justices at a dinner event.

Key Points

  • Co-hosts express discomfort with secret recordings but acknowledge the importance of exposing perceived bias
  • Liberal filmmaker recorded Justices Alito and Roberts at a dinner event, posing as a fan
  • Debate on the ethics of obtaining and sharing the recordings


  • Shedding light on potential bias of Supreme Court justices
  • Encouraging transparency and accountability in the justice system


  • Ethical concerns regarding the method of obtaining the recordings
  • Potential misrepresentation of the justices' views due to leading questions