Response to U.S. Ceasefire Proposal by Hamas and Islamic Jihad in Gaza

Hamas and Islamic Jihad respond to U.S. ceasefire proposal, demanding control of Gaza-Egypt border. President Biden's plan failed to call for Hamas disarmament. Israel agrees to plan but aims to destroy Hamas. U.S. translates plan into UN resolution. Hamas demands withdrawal of Israeli forces from Philadelphi corridor for re-armament. IDF controls corridor to prevent smuggling.

Key Points

  • Hamas and Islamic Jihad respond to U.S. ceasefire proposal
  • President Biden's plan lacks call for Hamas disarmament
  • Israel aims to destroy Hamas despite agreeing to plan
  • Plan translated into UN Security Council resolution
  • Hamas demands Israeli forces withdraw from Philadelphi corridor for re-armament prevention


  • Efforts towards a ceasefire and negotiation


  • Potential re-armament of Hamas if given control of Gaza-Egypt border