Upcoming Biden vs. Trump Debate

SOURCE www.nbcnews.com
The upcoming debate between President Joe Biden and Donald Trump is seen as a crucial moment for Biden's campaign to showcase his energy and leadership compared to Trump. Democrats hope the debate will allow the public to see the candidates side by side and make informed comparisons. Both campaigns are preparing intensively for the debate, with Biden expected to focus on Trump's extreme leanings and unstable behavior. Despite efforts to highlight Biden's accomplishments, polls show him losing support to Trump, particularly among Latino and Black voters. Trump's team portrays Biden as weak and scripted, while Biden aims to remind voters of Trump's controversial statements and behavior. The debate is seen as a pivotal moment in the race, with both sides looking to sway undecided voters.

Key Points

  • Importance of the upcoming debate for both Biden and Trump
  • Focus on Biden's preparation and strategy against Trump's portrayal
  • Polls showing Biden losing support to Trump among certain demographics
  • Expectations for the debate to be a pivotal moment in the race


  • Opportunity for Biden to showcase his energy and leadership
  • Chance for the public to make informed comparisons between the candidates


  • Risk of the debate backfiring for either candidate