Comparison of popularity between Nigel Farage and Rishi Sunak among 2019 Conservative voters

Reform UK leader Nigel Farage is more popular among 2019 Conservative Party voters than Prime Minister Rishi Sunak, according to a survey. Farage's ratings increased after he announced his return to frontline politics, while Sunak's ratings plummeted due to skipping a D-Day ceremony. Farage's Reform UK party is close to overtaking the Tories in the polls.

Key Points

  • Farage's strong and straightforward image appeals to voters.
  • Sunak's decision to skip the D-Day ceremony negatively impacted his approval ratings.


  • Nigel Farage's popularity among 2019 Conservative voters is higher than Prime Minister Rishi Sunak's.
  • Farage's ratings increased after his return to frontline politics.
  • Reform UK party is close to overtaking the Tories in the polls.


  • Sunak's ratings plummeted due to skipping a D-Day ceremony for an election interview.