Discovery of 17th-century shipwreck 'Quest' linked to Sir Ernest Shackleton

Canadian divers uncover 17th-century shipwreck 'Quest' linked to polar explorer Sir Ernest Shackleton in the Atlantic Ocean near the Bahamas, revealing historical artifacts and tragic events.

Key Points

  • Canadian divers found the ship 'Quest' at a depth of 1,280 feet near Newfoundland and Labrador
  • Sir Ernest Shackleton died on the ship in 1922, marking the end of the Heroic Age of Antarctic Exploration
  • Ship was damaged by ice during a seal hunt in 1962 leading to its sinking


  • Uncovering historical artifacts from the 17th century shipwreck
  • Revealing insights into the life and expeditions of polar explorer Sir Ernest Shackleton


  • Difficulty in raising the ship due to its historic significance