Impact of Female Personas in Online Scams and Disinformation

Research shows that online scammers, propaganda agencies, and AI chatbots are more successful when pretending to be female due to gender stereotypes. Female profiles receive more engagement and influence, reflecting society's perception of women as warm and agreeable. However, this trend also leads to sexual harassment and threats towards 'female' chatbots. The use of female personas in technology raises concerns about reinforcing sexist stereotypes.

Key Points

  • Female profiles receive three times more views than male profiles on social media.
  • Online influence campaigns from countries like China and Russia often use faux female accounts to spread propaganda.
  • Greater diversity in programming and AI development could reduce sexist stereotypes in technology products.


  • Female personas in online scams and disinformation campaigns attract more engagement and influence.
  • Research highlights the gender stereotypes that influence human interactions with technology.


  • The use of female personas may perpetuate sexist views and lead to sexual harassment towards 'female' chatbots.
  • Concerns exist about reinforcing gender stereotypes through the humanization of AI.