Louisiana Gov. Jeff Landry Signs FIND Act to Protect Firearm Industry

SOURCE www.breitbart.com
Louisiana Gov. Jeff Landry signed the Firearm Industry Nondiscrimination (FIND) Act, which ends state business with financial companies that discriminate against firearm manufacturers. The National Shooting Sports Foundation praised the move as a continuation of Landry's efforts to protect the Second Amendment.

Key Points

  • Legislation signed by Gov. Landry ends state business with discriminatory financial companies
  • NSSF praises Gov. Landry for his efforts to protect the firearm industry
  • Inspiration behind the FIND Act stemmed from Gov. Landry's previous actions as Attorney General
  • Governor Landry's leadership signifies a welcoming environment for the firearm industry in Louisiana


  • Protects firearm manufacturers from discrimination by financial companies
  • Supports Second Amendment rights