Former President Trump's Alleged Disparaging Remarks About Milwaukee

Former President Trump is defended by Republicans after being accused of disparaging Milwaukee during a meeting in Washington, D.C. The comment was taken out of context, with Republicans stating Trump was referring to the crime rate in Milwaukee. Democrats, including President Biden, weighed in on the matter.

Key Points

  • Former President Trump allegedly referred to Milwaukee as a 'horrible city' during a meeting in Washington, D.C.
  • Republicans argue that the comment was taken out of context and Trump was actually criticizing the crime rate in Milwaukee
  • Democrats, including President Biden, offer contrasting views on Milwaukee


  • Republicans coming to the defense of former President Trump
  • Clarification provided by lawmakers who were present during the meeting
  • Opportunity for bipartisan discussion on the importance of accurate reporting


  • Accusations of misinformation and biased reporting by both sides
  • Potential for further division between political parties