Proposed bill to require White House to notify Congress about president taking drugs

Tennessee Republican proposes bill to require White House to notify Congress when the president takes drugs that alter alertness, judgment, or mood. Bill called the No Juicing Joe Act due to concerns about President Biden's mental decline. Republican officials criticize Biden's cognitive abilities, while White House dismisses criticisms as partisan politics.

Key Points

  • Bill called the No Juicing Joe Act aims to address concerns about Biden's cognitive decline
  • Historical examples of presidents facing health issues related to drugs affecting behavior are mentioned
  • Republican officials criticize Biden's mental acuity while White House dismisses criticisms as partisan
  • White House spokesperson labels Republican criticisms as intimidation and misunderstanding confidence for a drug


  • Ensures transparency about president's health and cognitive abilities
  • Holds the president accountable to the people


  • Critics view the bill as targeting President Biden specifically
  • May lead to further political divisions and controversies