AI Candidate in UK Election

An artificial intelligence candidate named AI Steve is running for the United Kingdom's general election. The AI is controlled by businessman Steve Endacott and is designed to engage with constituents and consider their views on various policies.

Key Points

  • AI Steve is controlled by Steve Endacott and is part of the Smarter U.K. party.
  • Endacott aims to involve thousands of 'validators' in scoring policies and making decisions.
  • The AI's stance on Brexit is to implement and optimize the UK's decision to leave.
  • AI Steve aims to reinvent democracy by allowing constituents to have ongoing control over the vote.


  • AI Steve can engage with a larger number of potential constituents on a daily basis compared to traditional campaigning methods.
  • The AI can provide answers to questions and gather feedback on policies in a more efficient manner.


  • Some may find the concept of an AI politician unsettling or impractical.
  • The effectiveness of AI Steve in representing constituents' views accurately may be questioned.